Financial Hardship

Financial Hardhsip

Having trouble paying your bill? MondoTalk is here to help.


[wpspoiler name=”What is Financial Hardship”]

Financial Hardship is when something happens in your life that may affect your ability to pay for your services for an ongoing period. Everyone has unique circumstances, so we will work with you to find a solution on a case-by-case basis.


[wpspoiler name=”How will MondoTalk determine if I am eligible for assistance?”]

MondoTalk will ask you some questions to assess your eligibility. In some cases, we may require some supporting documents.


[wpspoiler name=”How can MondoTalk Help?”]

MondoTalk may offer flexible payment terms for your bill.


[wpspoiler name=”Can someone else talk to MondoTalk on my behalf?”]

Yes, as long as you provide us authority to disclose information to that person.


[wpspoiler name=”Is there any community help available?”]

If you need more help or someone to speak to, there are services available to you – you’re not alone. There are online resources such as MoneySmart

Free community counselling and support services through the National Debt Helpline are available. They also offer information via their website and free financial counselling on 1800 007 007.

Participating community agencies include Anglicare Australia, St Vincent de Paul Society, and others.


[wpspoiler name=”What if I am not happy with the assistance that I received?”]

If you’re not happy with the assistance we have provided while you’re experiencing financial difficulty, you can call us anytime on: 1300 887 863.
