MondoTalk Additional Information

Return on Investment

Most businesses achieve a return on investment in 2-6 months. This is based on comparing MondoTalk with a similar system in conjunction with MondoTalk saving you an estimated 50% on line rental and call costs.

What customers say about MondoTalk

“MondoTalk was just what we were looking for. A communications company with all the bells and whistles that allows my company to easily exploit all the advantages and features of VOIP, plus the flexibility to custom design our own unique communications system to make our business work much more efficiently.  The products are astounding, the saving in time and money is pleasing, and the helpful staff make it a pleasure to deal with MondoTalk. A++”

James Wickham
Salt Corporation Pty Ltd

General information on MondoTalk business solutions

MondoTalk Features and Savings


This service will allow your customers to call you directly from your website.  Your website visitors simply enter their phone number in and press on the call me now button. You will be charged for the call at our low rates as seen below.

Costs inc GST: Setup $110.


This service extends the standard website click to call with many features. For example this can be used to put people in call queues, play pre-recorded messages or messages on hold. You can even link people through to a credit card phone payment system. The options are practically limitless.  Your website visitors simply enter their phone number in and press on the call me now button. You will be charged for the call at our low rates as seen below.

Costs inc GST: PoA


This service will receive incoming faxes for you and send them to you as emails. This will save you on line rental for a fax line, fax machine maintenance and paper. Help the environment and save paper and decrease printer cartridge waste.

Costs inc GST: $132 per year.


This service will allow your business to connection certain mobile phone with wifi and 3G connections directly with the MondoTalk phone system. The mobile phone will be considered and extensions on the system and will be able to receive calls directly from the phone system and make low cost VoIP calls.


Reduce your international roaming fees on your mobile by as much as 90%. Travel the world and receive phone calls to your mobile for as little as 2 cents per minute.


Time your customer spends listening to a ringing tone or music can be converted to valuable infomercial time. With our phone system you can have your customers listen to important information about your business. This increase business awareness in your customers and can help generate more sales or less support time for support staff by using pre-recorded message that answer general questions and have solutions to common problems.

Cost inc GST: $440


We can provide numbers located in just about every city around the globe. The benefit this offers is that customers near Global numbers can call you at greatly reduced rates. For example we can provide a number in the US which people in the US can call at local rates. When they ring this number you will be able to answer the call in your office or, if you wish, at any internet connection around the world. This makes our service is truly global making us confident we can cater for your needs as you expand.

MondoTalk SMS service via Outlook, WEB Portal or API

Our Outlook plugin service makes sending and receiving SMS’s very easy and flexible. Customers can keep track of all SMS’s in Outlook both incoming and outgoing. It also makes it very easy to SMS one or multiple Outlook contacts. Our web portal give you the convenience of using low cost MondoTalk SMS’s from anywhere you can use a web browser such as your iPad, or web enabled mobile phone.

Setup costs Outlook: $110 which includes configuration of up to 2 Outlook computers via remote administration. Additional Outlook installations are $22 each.

Setup costs Web or API: $88 to set up you account for our online web SMS web portal or API Access. Additional web or API accounts are $22 setup each.

SMS costs to Australian destinations.

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For pricing on overseas SMSs please contact us.



The MondoTalk CLOUD PBX. This is a hosted server that allows all your agencies regardless where they are around the world to use one phone system. This provides your company with one system to manage all your calls and allows you to call your work colleges for free and transfer calls between each other for free.The Cloud PBX feature set is something you normally find in PBX valued at thousands of dollars. Our system is MUCH more affordable and due to the hosted nature means you only need one, where as if you went for a traditional style PBX you would need one at each office location. This solution is a perfect fit for your business as it brings all your home and remote offices together under one simple to use CLOUD PBX.

More information on our Cloud PBX can be found here:



Mobiles 16.5 cents per minute with no flag fall.

International destinations from less than 1 cent, click below link for a list of our call rates:


MondoTalk VoIP can substantially reduce your line rental costs. To start with you will only need line rental for incoming calls, seeing as you now only need line rental for incoming calls and not outgoing this can halve the number of phones lines you need. On top of that our line rental is extremely cheap. For example if your business has 10 lines and your call split is 50% incoming and 50% outgoing, then your line rental with MondoTalk would only cost you $55 per month compared to the possible $350 you are paying right now.

We can provide you with numbers from all over the world. For each number you will need a certain number of lines. Line rental for Australian numbers is only $10 ex GST per month.


If your wish to keep your existing numbers then porting costs depending on the complexity of the number(s), pricing for porting starts at $99 inc GST. This is a one off cost. From there on we will charge you for line rental as described above. If you want or have a 1300 number you may be able to avoid the porting cost


We have two levels of fail safe. One at the level of our cores systems and one at the level of our business solution. This will give you peace of mind as you know you should now never miss important incoming sales lead and enquiry calls.  Normal phone systems can not even come close to this level of reliability as even if your local lines are damaged we can still direct calls as you like.

Should any of the following occur then our core system can automatically divert incoming calls to your mobiles or landline phones

  1. Your local power fail or
  2. Your Internet connection fail or
  3. You local phone line or internet line damaged or
  4. Even if the internet connection in our HOSTED PBX data centre fails.


Please see for our preferred IP Phones. Another options is a professional software phone starting from AU$45. If you are looking at our PBX solution then we highly recommend the attached IP Phones and/or the professional software phone. Our free software phone will not work with the PBX.

13/1300/1800 NUMBERS

We also have 1300 numbers available. These cost $99 to setup and $22 (1300), $33 (1800) per month. Incoming calls to the 13/1300/1800 number is a flat rate 6.5 cents per minute (ex GST). 13XXXX numbers need to be activated via smart numbers and incur a government charge of approximately $10000 per year.


Our systems allow IP cameras to be used in feature rich ways. For example upon a camera detecting motion it can initiate a call. This call is able to include video too this way allowing the person called to see through the camera. The person is then able to do things like open door and switch on lights or even sound alarms all from their phone